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Need a new GangaavataraNa We must go back to the one thing needful, take up again Christ's gospel of the purity and perfection of mankind, Mahomed's gospel of perfect submission, self-surrender and servitude to God, Chaitanya's gospel of the perfect love and joy of God in man, Ramakrishna's gospel of the unity of all religions and the divinity of God in man, and, gathering all these streams into one mighty river, one purifying and redeeming Ganges, pour it over the death-in-life of a materialistic humanity as Bhagirath led down the Ganges and flooded with it the ashes of his fathers, so that they may be a resurrection of the soul in mankind and the Satyayuga for a while return to the world.

- Sri Aurobindo (Yoga and its Objects)

sa.ngItaM karNATaka hindusthaani lalita (telugu)
telugu purANAlu pravachanAlu sAhityaM toli velugulu
Miscellaneous Articles telugu Recipes sa.nskR^itaM digvijayii bhaarata (blog) padya kaumudi (blog)

pOtana bhAgavata vasantam - sangIta prasangam (Musical Discourse)

In this webpage, I present excerpts from an excellent 7-day sangIta prasangam by Sri Madugula Nagaphani Sarma at Hyderabad in 2002. My purpose is to introduce its rasa to rasikas. This and other prasangams and gAnams are now available for online purchase at his avadhAna sarasvati website

A Slokam has been posted on the sanskrit mailing list maintained by me:

sa.ngItamapi sAhityaM sarasvatyAH stana-dvayaM
ekam-ApAta-madhuraM anyad-AlOchanAmR^itam

It means, "Music and Literature are the two breasts of Sarasvati, the Mother of Learning. One [like honey] is sweet as we drink it; the other yields more and more nectar as we reflect on it [like an ikShu khaNDa i.e., sugarcane piece].

Well, this sangIta prasangam by Madugula is 14 hours of pure rasa that is both ApAta-madhuram and AlochanAmR^itam!

The entire prasangam's video is available for purchase in 18 VCDs of excellent quality. I extracted the audio out of it all without losing quality and converted it to realaudio and mp3.

Select rm Select mp3 part
play, rm 1 of 18
play, rm 2 of 18

I appeal to rasikas to come forward and monetarily contribute to Sarma gAru's great cause, which is to set up a University for dhAraNa (retention in memory) at Hyderabad. Purchasing his works is one way.

- Sarada and Sai Susarla (sai.susarla@gmail.com)